Crazy ex-husbands do crazy things. Even when they’re the mayor of Quebec.

Everyone always says, “bitches be crazy!” and I’m not going to disagree with you (because I’m 100% crazy and admit it) but it needs to be noted that guys are just as, if not more so, crazy. Case and point via The Daily What:

Quipping that Isabelle Prevost, to whom he was married for ten years until they divorced in 2010, always wanted “a big rock,” Mayor Dany Larivière personally drove a 20-tonne boulder inscribed with the words “happy birthday Isa” to her house, and dumped it on her driveway.

“This is for all you’re doing to me” read a second inscription referencing the heavy financial toll the divorce has taken on Lariviere.

“I took a rock from one of my quarries and I brought it to her place with a little message and a nice ribbon, just like a real gift,” Lariviere is quoted as saying.

The rock has since been removed, and police are investigating the situation ahead of possible harassment charges.

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