Geeked Out

Someone made the Game of Thrones cast into Simpson characters.

Game of thrones cast simpson character cartoon Some AWESOME human decided to turn our favorite Game of Thrones characters into Simpson characters. While the artist did not catch the love of my life Khal Drogo exaclty the way I picture him, I love it nonetheless.

Daenerys Targaryen simpson character Jon Snow simpson character Catelyn Stark simpson character cartoon

Is anyone else excited as excited as I am?



I like to think that I’m above marrying for money/fortune…. but…. ummm…

I like to think that I’m above marrying for money/fortune…. but…. ummm… I’d marry this dude so that i could live in the Hogwarts castle. Even though I realize the outside is the only thing that looks the same but uhhh… yeah. He’s cute. About to inherit $485 million, and he lives IN HOGWARTS. So, yeah. I’d marry him.

Also, Percy made me think of Percy Weasley. I’m a nerd.

Youtube Comment of the Year

Pancake plate with syrup reservoir = om nom nom nom

The plate made ESPECIALLY FOR PANCAKES is slightly tilted with a little reservoir to collect all the syrup running of your pancakes so they don’t have to soak in all the syrup and get soggy and cold. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

This is why waffles are superior to pancakes, though. Because waffles have built in reservoirs that hold the syrup for you, so no need for this $45 plate nonsense.

buy it here! Product Site

HANDY FLOW CHART: What should you cook for Thanksgiving?

I ended up on “Whatever mom tells you to bring.” Ding ding ding!


20 amazing Halloween nail art photos!

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I think out of all of them, I’d be most likely to rock these:

all from F*ck Yeah Nail Art!

Dear Star Wards nerd: This might’ve seemed like a good idea to post on Craigslist, but it wasn’t.


Apparently there’s such a thing as master FOOD sculptors, and they excel at carving life-sized pumpkin zombies.

Apparently there’s such a thing as master FOOD sculptors, who knew? One of the most famous sculptors is named Ray Villafane. His expertise is obbbbviously pumpkins, since it’s October and all. The NY Botanical Garden’s hired him to come out and carve two pumpkins, one of which happened to be the heaviest in the world. The results were amazing, spooky, and life-sized. via Laughing Squid:

Last weekend, The New York Botanical Garden brought on master food sculptor Ray Villafane to carve zombies out of two giant pumpkins, one of which was the world’s heaviest pumpkin. He used the “pale flesh Brant and Eleanor Bordsen’s 1,693 pound pumpkin for the zombies” and the world record-holding 1818.5 pound pumpkin from Kelsey and Jim Bryson was used as the base.

I love how he used the pumpkin innards as zombie guts! Pretty awesome. It’s almost like art? Too bad it probably started rotting after a day or two. Maybe it added to the effect, since they’re…ya know… zombies?

Here are the rest of the pictures from the zombie pumpkin carving, but if you want to see more of Ray’s work, click the link at the bottom of the post for more of his different 3D pumpkin art, pretty cool stuff!

Click the link to see more of Ray’s amazing sculptures!


I’m obsessed with…. The Ultimate Nerd Guide to NYC!

Someone with a LOT of time on their hands created the Ultimate Nerd Guide to NYC. Completely with a graphic map, and Google Maps link which you can scope out each each location here!

I visit NYC often because my family lives there, so it looks like I’ll have to bring this along with me next time I go. There are some super nerdy locations I’d love to see, like Peter Parker’s apartment, The Avengers headquarters, Ghostbusters headquarters, Ninja Turtle headquarters, Men in Black headquarters……. pretty neat stuff. Kudos to whoever has ABSOLUTELY NO LIFE and compiled this list.

click map for a full-size version

via Buzzfeed

Amaaaaaazing HD time lapse video of the milky way

This is so stunning it almost looks fake. It’s on my bucket list to see it!

This guy’s 4 year old wouldn’t get out of bed, so he made his life hell.

This reminds me of the time my brother wouldn’t wake up early to do his paper route, so my dad got a bucket of water and poured it on his head. My brother didn’t have the same reaction this little guy had. It was more of a “I HATE YOU!!!!” reaction that a *cute giggling* reaction.

Also, I miss playing Doom.

How to react when your friend hasn’t watch a popular film. I usually go with “Encouraged,” occasionally “Unacceptable” when it’s warranted.


CEO of bulletproof glass company *literally* stands behind his product.

Ummm, yeah.


I would not do that.

Amazing time lapse video of the milky way

Where’s Wall-E?




I found him after about 30 seconds. How many of the robots in here do you recognize? I recognize quite a few, but many of ’em are mysteries to me. Apparently I’m not as big of a nerd as I thought I was.

Nifty flow chart determines which NFL team you should root for. I ended up with the Vikings. (I enjoy dysfunction)

Click for full size version.

Ladies, I figured this flow chart may be helpful for those of you (like myself) who know nothing about NFL football and don’t feel a loyalty to any team in particular. I ended up at the Vikings because I have a penchant for dynfuction and drama. Ohio State University ring any bells? (Still love you, Tressel!)

via I Love Charts via Forbes

I’m obsessed with… these zombie-themed engagement photos

These are by far the most unique and creative wedding/engagement photos I’ve ever seen. Wasn’t expecting that!

If you enjoyed these, you might enjoy me post about the 15 Most creative/Nerdy Wedding Invitations

found on
Visit the photographer’s Tumblr here

This pizza is not really a pizza, it’s just a pizza made out of pizza flavored snacks. Pizza.

Some lady named Kari Schuster invented this pizza that’s not really a pizza but just a bunch of really shitty pizza flavored snack foods. How she managed to make pizza even more unhealthy than it already is impresses me. All the ingredients looks pretty delicious except for PIZZA HUMMUS. Because seriously, the only thing that sounds nastier than hummus is pizza hummus. Here’s what Kari says of her creation:

Without the distractions of the daytime crowds, grocery shopping late at night yields many more hidden gems amongst the aisles. On a recent twilight excursion I found myself standing in the refrigerator section staring at one of the most delightful cultural hybrids ever: pizza-flavored hummus.

It occurred to me that up until now I had been limiting myself to pizza only in its natural state. It was obvious what I had to do next — find as many pizza-flavored items as I could and turn them into a pizza.[Editor’s note: Sweet Jesus.]

Two grocery stores, one gas station, and a couple of strange looks from the cashier later and I had my haul: Pizza Supreme Doritos, Pizzalicious Pringles, Pepperidge Farm Flavor Blasted Xplosive Pizza Goldfish crackers, Pepperoni Pizza Combos, and of course, the pizza hummus.

Want to learn how to make it? Here are some photos, since I’m pretty sure if you’re dumb enough to want to eat this, you’re probably too dumb to read and follow a recipe.

Boring college class BINGO board. This is amazing.

This…. is amazing. Are you still supposed to yell “BINGO!” when you hit 5 in a row? I don’t think professors would like that very much.

Interview with beer drinking Mark Zuckerberg talking about his recent “The Facebook” startup.

*cries* Remember when Facebook was just for college students/young people? This Mark Zuckerberg interview will bring you back to those days. Have fun reminiscing the time when your parents couldn’t write on your wall, and you didn’t have to hide your tagged photos in fear that a coworker will see a new tagged photo of you from friday where you’re passed out on someone’s front lawn before you have time to delete it.

The funniest/most ironic part to me is when Mark talks about how his goal isn’t to “take over the world” and saying he created Facebook to simply be a resource for college students to find out information about other students, and that’s how he wanted to keep it. Makes sense, right? He was a socially awkward Harvard student, so how appropriate for him to create a tool to help him prepare for social situations to potentially make them less awkward. Going to parties immediately following the creation of Facebook probably went something like this for Mark:

“Oh, yeah, I checked you out on The Facebook before I left tonight and I saw that you’re into jujutsu. I recently started studying Bartitsu and Juto and maybe we can get together sometime and meditate? We can talk about techniques, maybe take notes. Want to make a powerpoint?”

When that resulted in exactly zero dates and quite a few situations where things got MORE awkward, Mark was probably like, “FUCK THIS, this isn’t helping my social life AT. ALL. Let’s take over the world and start letting all the old people join and we’ll become millionaires.” Then Justin Timberlake was like, “Mark, a million dollars isn’t cool. You know what’s cool? A BILLION DOLLARS. And Jujutso.” And that’s the story of how Facebook was opened to your grandma.

This is a good idea.

Buy it here.

Harry Potter crushes the box office, and it’s only Friday!


Harry Potter is already DESTORYING box office records and it’s only Friday. I was looking at tickets last night and every single midnight showing in Columbus was sold out. I’m going to see it tonight, need to buy my tickets! Hopefully everything isn’t sold out already. According to

Domestically, $45 million has been  collected already in pre-sales for this opening North America weekend, including $27M for tonight’s 3,000+ midnight screenings which could reach $40M alone. Internationally, $43.6 million has been added from the 24 of 59 countries where the franchise finale opened Wednesday. Another 19 nations debut the movie Thursday but that figure won’t be available until tomorrow. By Friday, the film will playing in an additional 16 territories as well as in 4,575 theaters in the U.S. and Canada. What these numbers mean is that Warner Bros is on track to break its own Dark Knight domestic opening 3-day weekend record of $158M. Helped by Harry Potter – Part 2‘s higher 3D ticket prices, the new pic could reach $180M. 

 Did anyone see it last night at midnight? How was it?